Eliminate Infection for Improved Gum & Overall Health

Normal brushing and flossing at home often miss bacteria right at the gumline. Left alone, this bacteria can multiply and cause pockets of infection between your teeth roots and gums, often with no noticeable symptoms in its early stages.

Non-surgical periodontal disease treatment usually involves a process known as scaling and root planing:

  • With scaling, we will deep clean your teeth and gums by gently scraping away built-up plaque, tartar, and bacteria below your gumline.
  • Then we will plane, or smooth, your tooth roots to help prevent bacteria from recollecting in this area.

Scaling and root planing combined are effective at stopping gum disease in its early and middle stages. Your gums will be healthier, so your oral health will improve. You’ll be on your way to a healthier body!

Call us today at 770-766-8995 or request an appointment online for non-surgical gum disease treatment in Stone Mountain. Take steps to prevent serious health consequences.