Maintain Optimal Oral Health With Our General Dental Services

We will work with you to determine a treatment plan based on your needs, comfort, and budget. Our aim is preventing cavities and other problems with our general dental services:

  • Exams and Teeth Cleanings – We will take digital X-rays and give you a complete dental exam to check for cavities, gum disease, orthodontic problems, TMJ issues, and oral cancer. Your hygienist will thoroughly clean your teeth, removing harmful bacteria and plaque. We will take time to discuss your exam results and answer any questions you have.
  • Gum Disease Treatment – Our team can deep clean your gums to remove plaque, tartar, and bacteria and get them back on the road to good health.
  • Dental Sealants – Sealants are sometimes recommended as a part of cavity prevention. They act as a barrier between your teeth and decay-causing bacteria.
  • Fluoride Treatments and Varnishes – Protect your smile with these easy treatments. Fluoride helps prevent cavities and can even reverse decay in its early stages.
  • Nutritional Counseling – We educate our patients on how diet plays an important role in oral and total body health.
  • Athletic and Bruxism Mouthguards – Get a custom-fit mouthguard to protect your teeth against injury during sports or from damage caused by bruxism (teeth grinding). Bruxism mouthguards can also help alleviate TMJ discomfort (jaw pain caused by inflammation in the temporomandibular joints on both sides of your head).

Call 770-766-8995 today to take advantage of our general dentistry in Stone Mountain. You can also request an appointment online.